About Me

Science is my religion. Philosophy is my occupation. Thinking is my hobby. Greatness is my ambition. These lines are not taken from anywhere... I am surprised that I came up with those, actually! But thats what I am.

Monday, June 27, 2005

The Karma Theory

"As you sow so shall you reap", used to make the most sense to me. Then I came across this Karma theory which is incorporated in Jainism, Buddhism as well as Hinduism. According to it, you will suffer for all the 'wrong' things you do in your next birth. It made a lot of sense in the beginning as I was all confused about what is the final destiny of all of us, etc. But then, I started to think it was foolish....

Why should someone suffer for something he has done in his last birth when he doesn’t even know what his name was in his last birth! You aren’t connected in ANY way to your last life, then why the HELL suffer for it! It doesn't make sense naa?

Since I am talking about the Karma theory, let me tell you that it is the very reason behind all the terrorism today. It is because of this weird theory that some of the people have got things like Jihad in their minds and are willing to die, causing a lot of destruction, because they think they are destined to do so… To save their own religion. Religion are supposed to be the driving force in people that makes them do only good and nothing bad but it has become the cause of most of the wars fought in the last two millenniums.

What had begun as a force to make people do 'right' things had become something that makes people kill... And even if it was made to make us do the 'right' things, the intention behind it is good ofcourse, but the method of inculcating it according to me is not good. The karma theory tries to create some kind of fear in our mins so thta we do right things. I have never believed in inducing fear to get things done... Maybe our 'gods' believed in it!


Anonymous said...

they say , the means justifies the end . They also say that two wrongs do not make a right . They also say "god willing" and yet they work their baklc off to fight the wrong , to get a good job , to do whatever it is they want to do . does anyone c a paradox here ? all said and done , man is a selfish animal . he manipulates his beliefs to suit his own purpose . most people are not truly "religios" , they believe in something because it is benficial to them . a principle is hardest to stand by when it causes you and the one youi love much pain . That is when u must choose between your principles and your happiness . which one would you choose ?

Unless you have your own set of beliefs which you would not compromise under any circumstances , you have no right to question another's so called belief . pull urself out of ur delusion before attempting to guide another .

The karma theory , god , blah blah blah . Its easy enough to kill for what you believe in , the question is , are you willing to die for what you believe in ?

answer these questions from inside before you choose to get an answer from another . people will only confuse you , find your own "god" or freedom or enlightenment . dont question another's . we were all born with freedom . the freedom to choose and the freedom to believe .

Einstein said...

...and also the freedom to question and challenge.

I believe that questioning and challenging beliefs is something from which society would benefit a lot. Once you have an opinion against a set belief, you start to question it yourself(if taken in the rights spirit, if not - you come to my house with a sword... that's what happened with people like Jesus, Socrates, Kabir, Tulsi, etc - their challenges to set beliefs were taken in the worst of spirits)..

And once you question it yourself, you actually THINK about what you are doing. You reason it out...

Challenging set beliefs would also fight blind beliefs...

So why not challenge it? I have lived my life challenging people's beliefs with reason and rationale for 2 reasons :
1] Most importantly - to find what is worthwhile in the belief and to get reasons as to why one would believe in such a thing.

2] To make the believer question his own belief.

I don't see much of a disadvantage in questioning and challenging beliefs so I i'll continue to do taht till I find it...

Thanks for the post nympho, it was a good comment...